
Showing posts from 2020

Becoming Huggy

I am not a huggy person. I never have been. And having lived in Brazil where people not only hug, but kiss on the cheek even when meeting for the first time, it was something I learned to tolerate. After 30 years it even became second nature and I don't think too much about it anymore. But, I'm still not a huggy person. With the COVID-19 crisis you would think that we non-huggers would be living the dream. And for a while it was even a welcome relief to practice social distancing, self-quarantine, sheltering in place...whatever you want to call it. A niece of mine even stated, "We introverts are doing just fine." Now, after three weeks of mandated stay at home orders, it's getting old even for those of us who actually prefer a little social distance. I am certainly glad for all the online options of "church going." There are at least a dozen a day in my Facebook feed to choose from and all of them are sound and good. Sunday services are streaming li...