The Living Among the Dead

     The sun had not yet risen on that first day of the week. It had been three days since they laid Jesus in the tomb. The women had prepared the necessary spices for the Lord's body. The spices would cover the odor that would surely be coming from the dark hole carved from the rock. After all, it had been three days. But when the women arrived at the Lord's burial site the stone had been rolled aside. What was going on?

Mary Magdalene poked her head inside the tomb and saw two men in glowing garments and they asked her, "Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen." (Luke 24:5-6) At first, Mary thought Jesus' body had been stolen. Things still weren't clicking. It took several conversations and appearances for all the disciples to believe Jesus had indeed risen from the dead--just as he said he would. (Matthew 28:6)

The crucifixion was an excruciatingly painful day for those who believed Jesus was the Messiah, the Savior of Israel. The resurrection turned out to be joyful beyond reason. The puzzle pieces finally fell into place. The disciples remembered the teaching of Lord about his death and resurrection. They remembered the prophecies written about Jesus centuries before his birth. Every one was fulfilled the day of his resurrection.

So why didn't the story end with Jesus' death on the cross? He had accomplished what he set out to do. He died for all sinners. He was the perfect sacrifice. God's wrath was satisfied. But Jesus rose again to guarantee the life we will enjoy with him in heaven. It's why the lambs had to be sacrificed continually for the people of Israel. Those creatures, innocent as they may have been, did not come back to life. Their death was permanent. Jesus' wasn't. His return to life secured our future return to life as God had intended. We will be with him eternally and that can only happen if we're alive. 

We celebrate the resurrection because it completes the work of salvation for those who believe. We celebrate the resurrection because it secures our future with the Lord for eternity. Hallelujah! What a Savior!


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