Scotty’s Adventure

         The family I stayed with recently has a dog. He’s a poodle named Scotty and he is the happiest mutt I’ve ever seen. He looks like he has a perpetual smile which is hard to imagine because he’s a dog. But smile he does. Call his name and he’ll come running for a belly rub and a head pat. He’ll take whatever I have to give.

        I was scheduled to speak at a women’s conference last weekend and my host family was taking me to the church where it was held. We planned to go to the retreat center afterward to spend the night. It’s a nice relaxing place to spend a few days and not far from the church holding the conference. 

         There had been discussion for a few days as to whether Scotty should go or not. He often stays with my hostess’ mother and the plan was to drop him there on the way out. Several circumstances prevented that, so Scotty went with us. The following is an account of his weekend.

          Scotty saw the suitcases and backpacks stacked by the front door and went to investigate. Then, seeing activity in the kitchen, he went to investigate there. His human mom was packing the cooler and boxes with food. Something was definitely up. Scotty knew it meant his family was leaving the house and going to that fun place with trees and lots of things to sniff. His excitement grew causing his tail to swing and his paws to slip and skitter as he attempted to keep up with the activity. Scotty didn’t want to be left behind, so he ran back and forth between the front door and the packed food. 

        Then Scotty saw something happening outside at the truck. His human dad was putting things in the back. Oh, they were definitely leaving. Now Scotty’s running track went from the truck to the packed food to the front door and back again. He could not be left behind! As soon as the passenger door opened, Scotty knew it was now or never. His little paws scraped and clicked as he ran toward that open door. When Scotty was at just the right distance, he launched himself in the air and landed squarely on the floor in front of the seat. Score!

           Finally, Scotty’s family climbed into the truck. It wasn’t easy for his mom to get in because he was taking up the whole floor with no intention of moving. He would not be left behind! Scotty’s mom hoisted him onto her lap and the 15lb. fur-ball settled in for the ride. Scotty was on his way to fun! 

       After riding for a little time the truck slowed, made a turn and stopped in front of a big building with women all over the place. What was going on? The humans tumbled out of the truck, stretched and adjusted their clothes. The women went inside the building, the men stayed outside and talked. But what about Scotty? Ah, Scotty had the whole back seat to himself, so he settled in for a well-deserved nap. He had expended a lot of energy worrying about going.

          Scotty’s family finally arrived at the retreat center later that night. It was time to find a bush to mark and drink some water. His humans were eating one of those round flat discs with yummy meaty discs. It was cut into triangles and it sure smelled good. Maybe whining would garner enough attention so his humans would see he was starving.

          The next day brought the promise of hot sun and much exploration. There were so many bushes, rocks and leaves to smell, and sometimes eat. A strange creature came around. It looked a lot like Scotty with four paws and a tail, but it was not fluffy like him. Scotty’s human mom gave the other animal some food and water. The creature seemed to like it because it hung around the rest of the day.

             Later that day the family loaded up and headed home. It had been a weekend packed with many different odors, places to explore all while making sure Scotty’s family was close by. When they arrived home, Scotty jumped out of the truck, raced inside the house and drank his water bowl dry. Then, he found his favorite corner behind the plant under the stairs and fell asleep. Scotty was exhausted from his weekend adventure.


  1. Sounds like your weekend was a great with scotty keeping you in a good mood by watching him,

  2. amei o relato sobre o scoot!


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