Remembering Ernie

     Yesterday, May 21st, Ernie entered the presence of the Lord -- two days before his birthday. He was a man of God who loved the Word of God and to serve God. It's hard to believe Ernie's race is finished and that his family has to continue theirs without him. He had an impact on my life in the brief time that I knew him.

My first memory of Ernie is from seven years ago. I had recently moved to Winston Salem and was attending a new church. At the beginning of the service that particular Sunday morning, four men went to the platform and began to sing "All my ways, they are known to You" by City Alight. I had never heard it, but the message of the song came through in clear, four-part harmony. Ernie sang with gusto and joy. 

Ernie taught Sunday School series from time to time. One quarter, my mom and I attended his class on church history. He had a depth of knowledge of the subject that would put most scholars to shame. He spent hours every week in preparation for the next class while holding a full-time job as a physician's assistant.

Ernie's heart for missions was as big as his voice which could be heard from a hundred yards away. He made frequent trips to Bolivia to work with a missionary couple in their clinic for women and children. He helped birth many babies there and taught medical seminars. Last year Ernie's trip was cut short by political unrest and it was deemed prudent he return home.

But Bolivia wasn't his only interest. He frequently asked me about my trips to Brazil -- what I was doing and how things had gone. I appreciated the interest he showed in my ministry and he prayed for me often.

In August 2023 Ernie and I were part of a team that went to Alaska to help a missionary family in Fairbanks. They were in the process of building a warehouse for goods collected for other missionaries in little towns in the hard-to-reach places of the state. Ernie took up the power tools with enthusiasm and set to work. By the end of our week the warehouse was nearly finished.

In late November of last year, Ernie was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. He began treatments immediately and, for a few months, was back to his old, boisterous self again. Last week Ernie was taken to the hospital where his family learned he was on his way to glory. His physical body deteriorated rapidly. His spiritual body waited for the Lord's call with anticipation.

Today, Ernie's family begins a new chapter. We all do. His absence is palpable as we listen for his voice to come booming into the church. The voice is silenced now. It won't be heard again until we join him in the presence of the Lord.

"But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep."

1 Thessalonians 4:13-14


  1. Thank you so much for sharing so vividly how much Ernie impacted so many lives. Even though our time with him at Grace Bible had been much shorter than yours, his love for the Lord was evident in everything he did. We will all miss him in ways that are unmeasurable!


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